Mon.-Sat. Daily Mass: 9:00 AM
Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:30 PM
Sunday Mass: 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM
Tuesday: 10:00 AM
Saturday: 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Please visit the Donations tab to create your account for online giving!
Paver Stone
The Diocese of Harrisburg seeks young men who may wish to learn more about the priesthood. If you have an interest or know someone who may, please complete the vocation document in the January Bulletin section of this website or pick up a form at church. Turn in the completed form in the collection basket during January 25/26. Thank you.
The St. Rita's Ladies Society gratefully acknowledges your support throughout 2024. Together, we raised funds that contributed scholarships for our students to St. Andrews Catholic School, support of multiple ministries including pregnancy centers, shelters, human services, soup kitchens, help hotlines and a local library. Please see the bulletin of January 5 for a detailed list. Then join us for our next meeting at 10 am on Wednesday, February 12 at the parish hall. Thank you, All!
Book Club News: We will meet on February 6 at 6:30 pm in the parish hall. The new book is: The Three Ordinary Voices of God, by Matthew Kelly.. Please contact Diane Robertson for a copy of the book,
Pastor's Note:
I ask you to continue your support through prayer for our Parish, our Diocese and our Country. I know these times are challenging, but I also ask for your continued financial support. Without your gifts, our Parish will struggle to continue our most basic functions. Thank you for your essential support. May God keep you safe, continue to bless you and your families, and keep us all in His loving care.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Rev. Peter Di Tomasso, M. SS.CC.
Immaculate Conception BVM
To learn about the “That Man Is You!” program please visit their website at
FORMED is now available to all parishioners. Log into with our Parish Passcode and establish your own login using your email address and personal password. Parish Passcode is H9MQPH. Please note: you must use the capital letters. See the Bulletin Board for more info. Enjoy!