Adult Faith Formation

About: Bible Studies, certain doctrines or important topics of the Catholic faith are explored during certain designated times throughout the Church Year. These studies or missions are set up by the pastor.

Time: Various times throughout the year.

Note: Please call the parish office for current course offering (717) 642-8815

Altar Servers

About: This ministry is open to male and female youth who are above 4th grade and they have the distinct honor of serving the priest at Mass and other liturgical services, such as Benediction. Altar Servers must have a strong desire to serve Christ.

Time: Altar Servers are needed at all Masses and other liturgical services as scheduled.

Coordinator: Nick Hays – (301) 241-3152

Catoctin Pregnancy Center

About: Located in Emmitsburg, MD, provides confidential help and comfort for expectant mothers.

Time: Mondays 1:00pm – 3:00pm, Tuesdays 7:00pm-8:00pm, Wednesday, 12:00pm-2:00pm or by appointment.

Coordinator: Barb Lowrie – (717) 642-0196

Note: Donations are always needed.

Children’s Faith Formation (CCD)

About: This ministry helps the children of the parish experience the presence of God in their lives and to learn who Jesus Christ is by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We aim to follow the ways of Jesus Christ through Catholic teachings, creatively engaging the children in the learning process, and giving them the hope of salvation. For children in grades K-12.

Time: September through May on Sundays, 9:45am – 10:45am.

Coordinator: Fr. Peter DiTomasso – (717) 642-8815

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

About: Specially trained men and women who have the distinct honor of helping the celebrant distribute Holy Communion at Mass. Men and women who are called to this ministry must be at least 17 years of age and a senior in high school. Training through the Diocese for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion is required and a Mandate is then issued.

Time: Extraordinary Ministers are needed at all Masses.

Coordinator: Peter Crawford – (H) (301) 824-2218, (C) (240) 500-5079

Extraordinary Ministers to the Homebound

About: This special ministry brings the Holy Eucharist into the homes of our parishioners who are unable to attend Mass due to illness. They also assist the priest with hospital visitations offering Holy Communion to Catholic patients and residents in convalescent centers. Training through the Diocese for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion is required.

Time: Extraordinary Ministers are always needed.

Coordinator: Barb Lowrie – (717) 642-0196

Finance Committee

About: This committee oversees the fiscal matters of the parish in cooperation with the Pastor. This committee also prepares the annual budget and meets quarterly. Some experience in accounting is desired.

Time: Meet 3-4 times a year.

Coordinator: Faye Ganoe (717) 762-4662

Knights of Columbus

About: An international organization for Catholic men striving for the principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. The Divine Mercy Council packs Thanksgiving food baskets for the less fortunate, promotes Keeping Christ in Christmas, and sponsors the annual Stephen Kowalick golf tournament. Open to men age 18 and older who are practicing Catholics.

Time: Meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month.

Coordinator: Roger Butt (240) 529-2491.


About: This is a program for those who are discerning a return to the practice of their Catholic faith. A small team of lay persons meet in a home setting for eight consecutive weeks. There is shared a revitalization of the Catholic faith practices, personal faith witness, and a feeling of “a safe place” and “a welcome home” from the parish community. The program followed is designed by the Paulist Fathers and endorsed by the Diocese.

Time: Dates are determined on an “as needed” basis

Coordinator: Paulette Nidel – (717) 765-4407


About: Lectors have the honor of proclaiming the Word of God during the Mass. Through this important ministry, the congregation hears the inspired readings of the day that leads to the reading of the Holy Gospel. This ministry is open to high school students and adults alike. A strong clear, voice is an important requirement. There is a short training period involved, which is done through the parish.

Time: Lectors are needed at all Masses.

Coordinator: Peter Crawford– (H) (301) 824-2218, (C) (240) 500-5079

Music Ministry

If you enjoy singing or playing an instrument we would love to have you join us!

About: The music ministry is comprised of and welcomes singers and instrumentalists of all ages and levels of musical experience. Some experience is preferred but definitely not required. We consider the ministry not to be one of performance but one of service to our Lord, His Church, and His people through the gift of leading the congregation through sung prayer. Each person’s individual ability to sing/play becomes integrated with the others to be offered as a whole in praise and thanksgiving.

Time: Singers are welcome at the 4:30 p.m. Saturday Vigil and 11:00 a.m. Sunday morning masses. Please contact Mike for more information. Singers/Instrumentalists are also welcome at the 8:30 a.m. Sunday morning Mass. Practices for this group are held on Thursday evenings from 7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Please contact Pauline for more information.

Coordinators: Mike Wilson – (717) 337-1501 and Pauline Henke – (717) 762-8811

Natural Family Planning

About: Offers practicing Catholics, a natural way of planning a family without the use of artificial contraception of any type. Provides education on the Church approved method of fertility recognition and family planning.

Time: Meet on individual basis, please call for appointment.

Coordinator: Jeff and Marcia Moyer – (717) 762-7421

Parish Pastoral Council

About: Members are elected by the parishioners, or appointed by the pastor, and other representatives of various parish committees. The council is an advisory group that provides input to the pastor on current issues in the parish.

Time: September – June / fourth Tuesday of every other month.

Coordinator: Parish Council President, Mike Luttrell (301) 991-9315

Prayer Chain

About: This is a ministry of prayer for those who are seriously ill, in the hospital, undergoing surgery or near death. This prayer chain requires a few minutes of your time each day for the intentions you will be given by telephone/email.

Time: Parish office hours M-F 8:00am -1:00pm.

Coordinator: Becky Sites – (717) 642-8815 or Paulette Nidel – (717) 765-4407

Note: Please remember to notify the parish office when a name can be removed from the prayer chain.

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)

About: RCIA is an acronym for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. The RCIA is a process whereby adults and children (catechetical age of seven or older) can learn about the Catholic Church and so discern whether to become Catholic Christians. If the person is unbaptized, then the process leads to their Baptism, usually at the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday night. If the person is baptized in another Christian tradition, then the process prepares this person to be received into the Catholic Church by making a profession of faith as a Catholic. After the Baptism or profession of faith, the person receives the sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist at the same vigil.

Adults or children interested in becoming Catholic, or those who just want to inquire further into the Catholic faith, usually attend weekly sessions held in the parish. At some point in this process they indicate that they are ready to enter the formal process of becoming Catholic. The total process until Easter Vigil is several months. The participants learn the Catholic Christian way of life through instruction and being in the midst of the members of the parish community. Parishioners can participate in this process as sponsors, (Catholics who share their faith and “walk with” the candidates as they journey into the Catholic Church), mentors, or those who give witness (former participants of the RCIA process).

Time: Mondays from 7:00pm – 9:00pm (August – May) .

Coordinator: Fr. Peter DiTomasso – (717) 642-8815

Note: More information can be found on our Become a Member page.

St. Rita’s Women’s Society

About: The Society is a group of dedicated Catholic women of the parish who, through their support for the parish, sponsor various fundraisers throughout the year, in support of Parish activities. Spiritual activities such as retreats and days of recollection are also provided. The funds are dedicated to scholarships, support of CCD classes, and many other functions within the parish. All women of the parish are welcome and encouraged to participate.

Time: Meetings held on the second Wednesday of the month from September – June.

Coordinator: Peggy Van DerCruyssen – (240) 367-7704

That Man Is You

About: That Man is You! honestly addresses the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers. The program harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive!

Time: TBD

Coordinator: Joe Ferguson (717) 398-1165


About: This ministry welcomes the parish community to Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. They seek parish members willing to take the Offertory gifts to the altar, and they collect the monetary gifts for donation. Open to anyone. A friendly and cheerful personality is an asset.

Time: Ushers are needed at all Masses.

Coordinator: Vince Sanders (717) 762-7689

Youth Group (St. Andrew's)

About: This ministry, designed for the youth of our parish, offers them an opportunity to grow in their faith and in their love for Jesus Christ and His Church. Under the guidance of properly trained adults, the youth assist in many parish activities, fundraisers, and service to those in the community. The Youth Group is open to students in grades 8-12.

Time: TBD

Coordinator: Fr. Peter DiTomasso – (717) 642-8815